August 8– BHUSD Board of Education enacted a new phone policy for the school year, instructing students to keep their phones out of sight during classes. According to the policy, students may only use their phones outside class during lunch, nutrition and passing periods.

Now, let’s talk about what happens if we slip up and don’t follow the new policy.
The first time you’re caught using your device during instruction, your teacher will take it from you and document the incident. Don’t worry, you’ll get it back at the end of the class period. Your parents or guardians will receive an email about the first offense.
If you find yourself in the same situation again, your device will be confiscated. Like before, you’ll get it back at the end of the class. The incident will be documented again, and another email will be sent home to inform your parents or guardians about the second offense.
A third offense will lead to more severe consequences if you still haven’t gotten the hang of the new policy. Your teacher will take away your device and this time, the school administration will hold onto it until the end of the day or potentially longer if thought necessary. Your parents or guardians must pick up the device from the main office. Additionally, you might be assigned after-school detention, and a staff member will give out a referral.
Further offenses will induce various consequences, which your administrator will determine.
The district additionally clarified it “will not be responsible for lost, damaged, and/or stolen devices.”
All of this is to encourage students to be more engaged in class.