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The Student News Site of Beverly Hills High School


The Student News Site of Beverly Hills High School



Photo of collection of RBG memorabilia.

The Notorious RBG: The trailblazer of the century

Highlights September 21, 2020

Leia Gluckman contributing writer Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died due to complications of metastatic pancreatic cancer on Friday, Sept. 18. Appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993 as...

Beverly clubs fight for feminism

Beverly clubs fight for feminism

Highlights August 31, 2015

Sydney Tran, staff writer Wednesday marked the 95th anniversary of the granting of women’s suffrage in America as well as Club Day at Beverly. One sophomore and two juniors took to celebrating these...

Q&A with Ireland: radical punk feminist

Highlights March 21, 2015

This article is the first installment of Highlight's new column: Feature of the Week, where we randomly choose one Beverly student once a week and feature them. Guy Ginsberg, sports editor Most...

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