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The Student News Site of Beverly Hills High School


The Student News Site of Beverly Hills High School



Police implement blockades to prevent cars and pedestrians from entering Rodeo Drive.

Beverly Hills establishments shouldn’t have to resort to boarding-up

Highlights November 13, 2020

Candice Anvari Due to the presidential election, the sound of nail guns and hammers could be heard for miles as Beverly Hills businesses and establishments boarded-up their doors and windows. This is incredibly...

Democratic Chickens Come Home To Roost

Highlights February 2, 2017

Evan Minniti staff writer Trump is now president, and with him comes a whole reactionary circus of billionaires and incompetents firmly tied to the rule of Wall Street. Trump’s actions may make him...

Trump election sparks opposing protests

Trump election sparks opposing protests

Highlights November 15, 2016

Priscilla Hopper staff writer Students gathered during nutrition on Nov. 15, 2016, to voice their opinions on President-elect Donald Trump. Juniors Nicholas Pupiec and Christine Kim explain their reasoning...

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