Upasana Mannur, staff writer
Junior Molly Hersh and senior Anthony Sarandos collaborated to revive the 70s KBEV production “How Hollywood Works,” evolving the concept in the process.

Sarandos, director and producer, joined the production after watching Hersh’s first episode last year, featuring director Michael Grossman.
While previous episodes of “How Hollywood Works” hosted professionals of all calibers, Hersh and Sarandos decided to invite successful figures in the industry, as well as those knowledgeable in the field.
Hersh has hit the ground running, reigning in such celebrities as Will Arnett and Mitchell Hurwitz of “Arrested Development” and conducting half-hour interviews.
“I like to go about my interviews in a casual, conversational way. I usually write down some notes to direct my path of questions. This strategy keeps me from stressing out and makes for a natural discussion,” Hersh said.
KBEV adviser Romeo Carey and Anthony’s father, Netflix CCO Ted Sarandos, were inspired by the current Bravo production “Inside the Actors Studio.” The series began as a PBS production shot at NYU, where students would bring on famous entertainers, mainly ones seen on nightly talk shows.
“Ted suggested the idea of bringing exclusive interviews to Beverly Hills High School to do a version of Studio B at a super high caliber,” Carey said.

Prior to Ted’s assistance, Hersh expressed an interest in hosting a talk show series with celebrities in her Introduction to Broadcast Communication Studies class.
“I wanted to take [my interest] to the next level. Carey suggested that I revive ‘How Hollywood Works’ and make it my own,” Hersh said.
She began to pursue her passion, filming many successful shows, later attracting Anthony’s father’s involvement.
So far, “How Hollywood Works” has hosted Ted Sarandos, Grossman, producer Mitchell Hurwitz, actor Will Arnett and writer David Jackson.
” she said.“If I had to interview someone alive, I would definitely say Robin Wright because she’s a great actress who seems to be limitless,
“If I could interview someone that’s dead, I would probably say Jackie Kennedy because it would be interesting to see ‘how Hollywood works’ from a new perspective, as in how the media affects political figures.”
The cast of “How Hollywood Works” hopes to have Aaron Paul, Jeffrey Katzenberg (C.E.O. of DreamWorks), Jeff Garlin and Ricky Gervais on their next segments.
“My show has taught me a lot about myself, and has given me further guidance in an area that I love,” Hersh said.
Youtube“How Hollywood Works” is broadcasted on Time Warner Cable’s channel six, Hersh’s
Vimeochannel and KBEV’s
her Twitter account. Follow
, @mhershmedia, to keep up with the happenings of the show.