Sam Bernstein managing editor
Alya Mehrtash staff writer
Ava Seccuro staff writer
As impending midterm elections take place on Nov. 6, voters have the ability to familiarize themselves with the stances of each individual candidate on prevalent issues in our district. Voters can utilize the KBEV Channel 6 Youtube channel and the candidates’ campaign pages for their platforms. Information for Rachelle Marcus, Marvin Winans Jr. and Tristen Walker-Shuman was obtained directly from the candidates, KBEV videos and their personal websites.
Marvin Winans Jr.
All information quoted from interviews, a KBEV Channel 6 debate and the candidate’s personal website.
- Winans is opposed to construction of Metro underneath BHHS campus
- “I haven’t gotten worn [out] and I’m actually still very vigilant with this fight. It makes no sense to dig and drill where there’s a high school sitting on top of an oil field where we can potentially have methane gas and hydrogen sulfide pockets. It’s something that…I will continue to fight.”
- Has met with people from Secretary of Transportation regarding this project
- Supported students at anti-Metro walkout
- “I believe it’s important that we all support not only the children, but everyone who understands that the lives of our children are important and [that] the future of this community’s high school is [in] danger.”
- Winans Jr. is not completely against reconfiguration, but feels that more studies should be conducted before making a final decision
- “For me, it’s unfair to any student that isn’t given the best chance to succeed from an educational, academic and just a well rounded opportunity. I believe that we need to do what is best for the children, and so I believe that we should study and make sure that the questions are answered to see if maybe reconfiguring to a different system is appropriate.”
- “Reconfiguring is great and we should study it, but it’s important that the children in sixth, seventh and eighth grades are given the best opportunities to succeed educationally right now.”
- Member of Future Focused Schools Team (FFST)
- Parent of BHUSD students
- Beverly Vista PTA president
- Beverly Hills Education Association (BHEA)
- The Municipal League of Beverly Hills
- Jay Leno
- “To maintain his ‘Independent Voice for Students & the Community,’ Marvin Winans Jr For School Board 2018 does not accept individual endorsements”
Tristen Walker-Shuman:
All information quoted directly from candidate and her personal website.
- Primary goal is to protect our campus.
- Recognize construction is inevitable-focus on protecting students from it.
- “We don’t have the luxury of sitting around and focusing only on litigation”
- Must focus on both management of litigation and planning for protecting from Metro construction.
- Implement mitigation measures for air quality, vibrations and noise.
- Vouches for reconfiguration.
- Collaboration with Future Focused Schools Team to validate reasons for her support.
- Main focus is to make education/curriculum organization the first priority in schools.
- Evaluate which middle school campuses can be most improved.
- Supports middle level grades.
- Background in manufacturing business → knowledge on how to accomplish fiscal stability
- Exposure to revenue, budget and expense management.
- Been a student in the district, seen how it has changed over time/what it had to offer.
- Parent in the district for 10 years, member the PTA Executive Leadership at El Rodeo.
- Co-chaired on successful YES on Measure BH committee.
- All members of the Beverly Hills City Council.
- Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce Leadership PAC.
- Beverly Hills/West Hollywood Democratic Club.
- The Municipal League of Beverly Hills.
- The Beverly Hills Weekly.
- Beverly Hills Education Association (BHEA)
Rachelle Marcus
All information quoted from a KBEV Channel 6 debate and the candidate’s personal website.
- Against tunnelling under the high school
- Supported the student walkout
- Supports reconfiguration
- Hasn’t publicly stated her favored reconfiguration plan
- Beverly Hills resident for over 40 years
- Employed by BHUSD for over 50 years
- Former Apple Award winner
- Step Up and Make a Difference Award
- Mayor Julian Gold
- Former mayor and current councilmember Lili Bosse
- Former mayor and current vice mayor John Mirisch
- Councilmember Lester Friedman
- Councilmember Robert Wunderlich