Whether you are a Trump Supporter or not, it is imperative to understand his deportation plan and how it can negatively affect our economy.
Although national security is essential to maintain safety within a country, not only have illegal immigrants contributed to the economy due to their hard work and jobs that Americans would not want to take, research shows that Americans are more likely to commit crimes than any kind of immigrant.
“The people that are not legal are going to have more of a hard time with the law when they get in trouble,” a student expressed anonymously.
What I myself have a hard time understanding is how the president claims how his plan will decrease crimes, but what about the pardons he issued amongst the individuals who attacked the U.S. Capitol? Some of these members granted clemency were Proud Boy and Oath Keeper members, two organizations who believe in American nationalism, Proud Boys in particular believe heavily in White supremacy.
This shows how ignorant and biased President Trump is. Instead of finding a way to help illegal immigrants out while keeping the country safe, he is making a close-minded decision. A president should make decisions that benefit and help everyone, and when they don’t, it is questionable as to why they became a president.
“I think Trump ran for president for his own selfish gain and shouldn’t be in office,” a student expressed anonymously.
Agriculture, building maintenance, construction and Food preparation and serving are the jobs that could be affected if so many illegal immigrants are deported. What’s even more disturbing is how President Trump wants to end birthright citizenship, which is unconstitutional.
Despite what may happen politically, we must never give up and one thing Americans are good at is bouncing back from failure and obstacles. As long as we educate ourselves and stay strong no matter what, we can make a difference.