Senior assassin is a game played by high school seniors, where participants are assigned a random target without knowing who is after themselves. The goal is to eliminate your target without being eliminated yourself, and Beverly has stepped in to play this game.
Though attempted in the previous year, this is the first year in a while that many have participated in the activity.
On Feb. 26, senior Matthew Hanasab created an Instagram account to host senior assassin.
Senior Brooke Bronson created a similar game, but made the account private. She kept the players exclusive by limiting who could follow and enter the game. Once the game started, she made the account public.
Hanasab required a $10 payment upon entering the game. He allowed any senior attending Beverly to join the game. The winner of the game will win $610, and 61 players entered to compete for the prize.
Senior Lindsay Jada Moreno is also helping Hanasab organize the event.
The hosts are also requiring players to download the app Splashin, where the game is organized.
When Hanasab was asked why he chose to host senior assassin, he said, “The reason I started senior assassin was because there’s already been one at our school but they were exclusive so it’s a game for them and their friends, but I wanted to play and there’s a lot of people in our grade, so I took it into my own hands for everyone to play.”
Hanasab was inclusive with who can join the game by allowing any senior to enter.
Senior Liel Shikuri, who was eliminated early on, expressed his feelings towards the game.
“I didn’t expect to get eliminated so early, but it was fun worrying the two days,” Shikuri said.
Shikuri was shocked to find out he got eliminated just two days after the game started.
The first round lasts 10 days, whereas the last two days is purge days. Purge days voids goggles so nobody is safe. Many players get eliminated during purge days because once they’re seen, they can be sprayed with the water gun.
Hanasab started the game hoping to get many players to join and had no limit on who can join the game to keep the game competitive.
Recently, purge has begun, which is a time period where students are not allowed to be protected by wearing goggles. Go luck players!