Having to wait for all 24 contestents to get interviews, Kobe was able to meet and become friends with the other contestents.
Kobe said, “All the contestants were cool and not really intimidating, but I was probably the oldest contestant.”
Even though Kobe was one of the oldest contestants, that did not stop him from advancing to the the second round. Some contestants would rest when they fell off an obstacle and take their time getting back up. For Kobe, it was a different story.
Kobe said, “I didn’t care how long it takes to do, I just wanted to do it. I had a lot of determination and wanted to succeed. I would try to get back up as fast so I can to try to save myself a spot.”
When looking at an obstacle, many contestants would hesitate and try to think of strategy, which would just give them pressure and
take too much time. Kobe had a different method than many others.
Kobe said,“When looking at the obstacle, I would rush myself and try to do the best I can because other contestants would choke when taking their time to think.”
Freshman student, Daniel Newman had watched Kobe’s wipeout episode.
Newman said, “When I heard Mr. Kobe was on Wipeout. I watched this episode and saw him make his way all the way to third round. I was really hoping to see him in the finals though.”
Despite Kobe’s strategies getting him all the way to third round, he couldn’t save himself a spot in the finals.