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The Student News Site of Beverly Hills High School


The Student News Site of Beverly Hills High School



Students gather in their designated areas to wait until the fire drill is complete. 

Shelter-in-place, fire drill within minutes

Kaia Lopez, Staff Writer April 30, 2023

THURSDAY, April 27-- Beverly had an unplanned shelter-in-place during the first period. From 8:49 AM to 9:16 AM, the shelter-in-place lasted 27 minutes, during which staff locked their doors and both students...

Junior Harper Flynn falls asleep during class. “It’s been really hard for me to focus in class and get work done,” Flynn said.

Students adjust to daylight savings

Shayda Dadvand, Editor in Chief March 28, 2023

On Sunday, March 12, the clocks jumped forward an hour, causing everyone to lose an hour of sleep. This time change impacted students in their energy and productivity.    Junior Harper Flynn,...

Persian students’ connections to Iranian culture

Shayda Dadvand, Editor in Cheif November 22, 2022

TRANSCRIPT   [music]   SHAYDA: Hi, this is Beverly Highlights. I’m Shayda Dadvand, your Editor in Cheif. Episode three: In light of the uprisings in Iran currently being brought...

Freshmen Vincent Li and Evan Egerman duel one another in a thought-provoking game of chess. Photo taken by Golsa Sadrieh.

New library staff persevere to better the library

Highlights May 31, 2022

Golsa Sadrieh cub writer Last fall, the BHHS library got two new staff who are figuring out how to connect with the student body. Cynthia Bailon joined Norman Nation as a library technician in October...

Senior Naomi Jeng and senior Sila Uguz tie-dye their shirts at the in-person ASB Senior Day event on March 25.

ASB plans in-person events after one year of home learning

Highlights April 26, 2021

Candice Anvari staff writer  As a result of the district’s physical reopening, ASB members returned to campus in preparation for new, in-person events.  ASB’s first in-person event was Freshmen...

Public domain image.

Students react to Ted Lieu’s call for Trump removal

Highlights January 15, 2021

Emma Newman staff writer  Candice Anvari staff writer After the attack on the U.S. Capitol, which left four people dead on the same day, shocked the world on Jan. 6, Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA-33), who...

Junior Aghigh Banitaba in Marina Walk, Dubai, where she also lived for a few years. Photo courtesy of Aghigh Banitaba.

Immigrant population of Beverly shares experiences

Highlights November 12, 2020

Kate Kotlyar staff writer Los Angeles is known as a cultural melting pot and one of the most diverse cities across the U.S. Also, the population of Beverly is not all from one place; people from all over...

Photo of Haubert’s Madame Bovary and Austen’s Sense and Sensibility.

Annual book group continues through Zoom

Highlights June 1, 2020

Leia Gluckman staff writer When Steven Rubenstein, the 12th Grade AP Literature teacher, started his book group nine years ago he hoped to bring parents and students together to bond over classic literature...

Image: Courtesy of Dr. Fariba Salehani

Doctors change practices in response to COVID-19

Highlights April 29, 2020

Candice Anvari staff writer A man was severely coughing as he entered Rite Aid Pharmacy. All the pharmacists froze as he continued to cough at the counter, waiting for a technician to assist him. Pharmacist...

Image: courtesy of Jesse Perez

BHPD Explorers Program provides students with life skills, experience

Highlights April 21, 2020

Candice Anvari staff writer All she saw were packed bags, a loaded car and an open front door as sophomore Amy Park said goodbye to her brother who was leaving for the Navy. Her brother’s departure...


Students run without sun: PE goes virtual

Highlights April 17, 2020

Candice Anvari staff writer Due to the transition to home learning, the Athletics Department decided to provide students with alternative ways to continue their physical education from the safety of their...

Picture labeled for reuse by Pixinio

Students shouldn’t target Asian Americans during pandemic

Highlights April 7, 2020

Candice Anvari staff writer The week before spring break, I saw a student on our own campus cover his nose when his Asian friend walked past him. The Asian student did not appear to be bothered by the...

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